Project Overview: In a recent project, I was tasked with the challenge of designing and implementing an interface between the ERP system CEE – Comarch ERP Enterprise and a sophisticated B2B platform. The goal was to facilitate an automated data exchange process that would support both full and incremental (delta) data loads, ensuring that the B2B platform reflected real-time data changes from the ERP system with high accuracy and reliability.

Project Execution:

Understanding Client Requirements: The project commenced with a deep dive into the client’s business processes to understand the data flow requirements and the frequency at which the data needed to synchronize between the systems. This phase was critical in determining the scope of full and delta loads to ensure data consistency and availability.

Designing the Interface: With Lobster_data as the chosen EDI tool for its robustness and flexibility, I designed a file-based interface that would act as a conduit for data transfer. The design accounted for various data types and structures emanating from the CEE ERP system, ensuring compatibility and efficient translation into the format required by the B2B platform.

Configuring Lobster_data: Lobster_data was configured to handle the intricacies of the data exchange. For full loads, the system was set up to compile comprehensive data snapshots from the ERP at scheduled intervals. For delta loads, the configuration was more complex, requiring the system to identify and process only the data that had changed since the last successful transmission, thereby optimizing the data exchange for speed and system resource conservation.

Testing and Validation: Rigorous testing scenarios were constructed to validate the interface’s performance. This process involved simulating a variety of data changes, ranging from minor updates to massive bulk data alterations, to ensure the system’s responsiveness and accuracy in both full and delta load operations.

Deployment and Monitoring: Post-validation, the interface was deployed into the live environment with meticulous monitoring protocols to track the data flow and synchronization accuracy. This early monitoring phase allowed for the fine-tuning of the system and the correction of any unforeseen anomalies.

Employee Training and Documentation: To ensure the sustainability of the new interface, I conducted training sessions with the client’s in-house team, elucidating the operational aspects of the Lobster_data interface and providing comprehensive documentation. This empowered them to manage the system independently, with a solid understanding of how to handle full and delta loads effectively.

Project Outcome:

The successfully implemented interface revolutionized the client’s data exchange capabilities with the B2B platform, resulting in enhanced operational efficiency, reduced manual intervention, and improved data integrity. The use of Lobster_data for this file-based EDI solution proved to be a strategic choice, offering scalability and adaptability to future data exchange requirements.

The project not only met the client’s immediate needs but also set a precedent for future ERP integrations, showcasing the potential of Lobster_data in bridging business systems and enhancing enterprise connectivity.


This project stands as a testament to my commitment to delivering seamless integration solutions that not only perform as required but also come with the assurance of continuity and self-sufficiency post-implementation.